Monday, January 16, 2006

Post Op Report

Caleb is now in the CVICU recovering. Dr. Burke connected his superior vena cava to his right pulmonary artery; patched up the left pulmonary artery that was collapsed and ballooned when he had his last cath; and permanently closed his main pulmonary artery so that there is not too much blood flow going to the lungs. They were able to extubate him which is a big step and all his numbers look good except his oxygen saturation levels. They were usually in the mid to high 80's and are now in the low 70's. We pray that as he recovers they will increase to be 80's again. He is not very sedated so he is a bit cranky. One of the most common side effects of the Glenn operation is strong headaches since the blood from the top part of his body (mainly his head) is flowing into a smaller area (the right pulmonary artery) than normal (the right atrium of the heart). The blood backs up in the head and can swell causing these painful headaches. Hopefully they can keep him sedated enough to allow him to sleep and not fuss or move around which can make the headaches worse. We are doing ok. Based on past experience the easiest part is over-surgery. The more dificult part for Caleb and us is recovery so please don't stop praying! Thank you for all your love and encouraging words.


Anonymous said...

Sending our prayers for Caleb's speedy recovery. Please let me know if I can do anything at all for you (bring pizza?). Also, cool washcloths helped Zach with his post-Glenn headaches as well as the pain meds.

Anonymous said...

Know that we're praying for you guys, and will continue to pray for a quick recovery for our little Caleb. Please let us know if we can help you with anything. God bless you,

The Checa's

T. Mark Walker said...

God has brought you through SO much, and I'm sure He will continue to do so. Our prayers are with you and Caleb.

Mark and Chris

Anonymous said...

Dear Sieler Family,

I'm not sure if you'll remember us, but Jason was in the CICU with Caleb after his first surgery. We just wanted to say we are praying for you all, and are so glad to hear that surgery went well. We have been following Caleb's progress and think of you often. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. You can reach us via email at or Best wishes to Caleb for a speedy recovery.

Lori, Gary and Jason Smith