Thursday, May 04, 2006

ERCP Completed

Dr. Kramer and his team did a great job. They were able to navigate in and take some pictures. They saw several stone fragments. Using the adult probe, they were able to attach a basket and sweep the common bile duct, removing most of these fragments. Further pictures revealed one little stone that they were unable to get; it may not even be a stone but an air bubble, Dr. Kramer said. This additional stone should have no problem passing because part of the ERCP involved cutting the sphincter.

If Caleb does well and shows no sign of infection or any complication, we should be going home today.

It's been a brutal two weeks: three hospitals, one surgery, three general anesthesia, inummerable "pokes" for blood and IV, lots of hospital food, and a battle to see one another. Of course, there was lots of prayer; and One faithful God who comforts us and never leaves us.


Anonymous said...

Very glad and relieved. I'm praying you'll now get that time to be together again. - Kevin

Anonymous said...

Janet and Pat,
I'm so sorry I haven't checked up on you guys recently. What a long and difficult journey sweet Caleb has had. Please know that I am available if you need anything at all.

P.S. We met with Dr. Koutouby for the first time today. She is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord that you are so close to being home. I pray you guys would be able to rest and to enjoy each other. All our love!