Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Prayer Request

Well, we are thankful for the little reprieve from doctors, therapists, and hospital stays that we have enjoyed. Things have been heating up lately however.

Caleb hasn't been eating, and when he does he has been throwing up. To make sure nothing was wrong with his heart, Janet took him to the cardiologist recently. Dr. Mas noticed that his head seemed to be larger than it should be and that his fontanel (the soft spot on the top of his skull) has not closed completely. She said this should have happened by the time he turned one. (The GI doctor says it should be closed by the time he's eighteen months.)

So today, Janet took him for his one year checkup. The measurement of his head is off the charts. His weight is in the lower 25th percentile, and his height has decreased to the 75th percentile; it used to be in the 90th percentile. So it seems that something strange is happening with his growth.

We've been trying to make an apointment with a neurologist at Miami Children's. I'm sure we'll be getting an MRI and all of that.

The good news is that he, at least to us, appears to be developing well mentally. He laughs, moves, picks things up, etc.

Well, thanks for your prayers.

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