Thursday, November 16, 2006

Doctor's Visit Results

Caleb did great! He has gained enough weight to secure a spot in the 25th percentile. This is a marked improvement over his steady place hovering close to the 10th percentile. His head growth is also leveling off - so his body is catching up to his head. He has also had a diet change and now is eating yogurt through a straw, which is going well.


Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD!!

Anonymous said...

What a testimony of God's faithfulness! It is so wonderful to hear of Caleb's recent success. We love you guys and are so happy that you are all doing well. You have been a great inspiration to us and we know that God will continue to do great things in and through you. One day, Lord willing, maybe we will have the opportunuty to co-labor again. We miss you guys.

- The DeSefanos