Thursday, July 05, 2007

G.I. Joe

We have far too many easily accessible girl toys laying around our house. The other day Caleb came running (he sort of runs) into the kitchen saying loudly, "Dada, dada." I turned around to my dismay seeing him, again, playing with a pink princess tea pot and two baby blue spoons. As any good father would do, I confiscated the teapot, gently rebuked him for playing with these type of toys, and went out to the car where just hours earlier my sensitive wife had stocked up some thirty G.I. Joe's she purchased at a garage sale.

Grabbing three of the manliest warrior-types I could find, I brought them inside, showed them to Caleb, made some grunting man sounds, and lovingly put them into his hands. He tried to repeat the man sounds and then took too G.I. Joes, placed their faces next to each other and MADE A KISSING SOUND!!!!!!

So we have some work to do....

On another note, a couple weeks ago Caleb and Genesis were involved in a beach photo shoot for Miami Children's Hospital. The pictures they took will be used in all hospital promo stuff: website, brochures, posters, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop laughing when I read this post. How cute!! Just a note of reassurance. He will grow out of it. My little brothers used to push their older sister's baby doll carriages around. My father wasn't too pleased with their favorite game but sure enough as they grew up they started playing with more boy toys and started playing manly games, like wrestling. Now at age 9 and 12, if you even mention that they used to play with girl toys, you will be in danger of getting pummeled to the ground. So just letting you know, its normal and he just doesn't understand the difference yet. He'll figure it out eventually.