Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Blood Clots

A couple days ago we found out that Caleb has three blood clots in a vein in his upper arm. The doctors met at 3:00 pm on Wednesday to discuss his case. These veins could have been a result of the surgery. The other possibility is that he has a blood disorder that causes clots. If this is the case he will likely have to be given a medicine called Lovanax via an injection twice a day.

We have had some friends that have had to give loved ones shots. It's not something we're looking forward to doing. Ouch! Sticking a needle in your little baby two times a day! We hope that this won't be necessary. Please pray that he does not have any blood disorders.

We'll likely be in the hospital about 7-10 days, but only the Lord knows.

He is growing and moving more. He laughed for the first time a couple days ago - super cute!

Again, it sounds repetitive, but thank you for your prayers.

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