Sunday, April 23, 2006

Gallbladder Stones

On Thursday, our GI doctor admitted Caleb into Baptist hospital due to his feeding and vomitting problem. We usually go to Miami Children's Hospital, but our GI doctor uses Baptist. We really like the hospital - super clean and nice rooms - only one patient per room. A bigger play room (for Genesis). Better TV channels. Great security. Bigger cafeteria with reasonably good food. It's a little bit farther from our house. We're getting good at evaluating hospitals.

Caleb's a hard stick. That means it's difficult to get a needle into his vein for blood or an IV. It took the folks at Baptist about three or four tries. That breaks a parents heart - your kid screaming, blood squirting, and your heart pounding. And then we do it again! Maybe I don't like this hospital anymore.

All of the tests came back negative - until recently. Something was wrong with his liver - it was "backed up" or "full" - probably because of all his medicines that he takes. Yesterday they found another big problem - stones in his gallbladder - lots of them. They are even spilling out. If one gets into his pancreas, we have big trouble.

Our GI doctor is shocked. She has never seen this before. Usually this would be seen in teenagers, but never a little baby. We have learned that sometimes that 1% is us.

Caleb will be a case study. Other doctors and surgeons will be consulted - perhaps even from University of Miami.
This likely is the reason for his pain when he eats. It's also very likely that Caleb will have surgery sometime within the next several days.

This little guy is my hero.

1 comment:

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