Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Transfer and Surgery

Caleb has multiple stones in his gallbladder and two stones in his "bile duct tract". The anesthesia department at Baptist Hospital does not feel comfortable treating Caleb because of his heart condition. Therefore, we were transferred to Miami Children's Hospital today. Our GI doctor spent 3/4ths of the day on Tuesday talking with doctors and surgeons trying to come up with a game plan. They were originally planning on doing the ECRP at Baptist and then transferring to Miami Children's for the gallbladder removal. The ECRP is a procedure that is not done at Miami Children's. Transfering to Jackson Hospital was also considered.

So tommorrow (Thursday) at 3:00pm Caleb will undergo a surgical procedure to remove his gallbladder and then the surgeon will remove the stones in the tract. It is a very rare situation. Miami Children's has only done one of these with a baby as young as Caleb this year. It should be a fairly long procedure, maybe three to four hours.

There is an outside chance it will get rescheduled pending the availability of the cardiac anesthesia team.

We do have a peace. The Lord is good.

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