Tuesday, April 25, 2006


It's interesting that they call these things stones and not pebbles. Anyway, the MRI revealed three stones, one in his gallbladder and two in the "tract". The two will be removed with a procedure called an ECRP. This is kind of like a tube in a tube that is placed down his throat into his esophagas and down toward his gallbladder. Then, after this procedure is done, Caleb will have his gallbladder removed during a surgical procedure. None of this will happen today. We will post more information as we get it.

Caleb is happy as ever, constantly moving around, chewing the cables attached to him, kicking, laughing, playing.

Yesterday he had to be fastened down on a table during a GER test - that, I believe, stands for Gastro Esophagal Reflux. The test took an hour and Caleb endured it like a champ!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.