Monday, April 24, 2006

Or maybe not.....

One of the surgeons doess't think Caleb has stones because he's never seen it before. Today's MRI should confirm that. If he does have them, they will likely try an ERSC or ESPC (or some letters like that). This is a way to remove them without surgery.

The MRI is over - waiting for results.
They gave Caleb two doses of Versed and it still didn't knock him out! What problems do you have with your 8-month old? For us, it's his immunity to Versed! (chuckle, chuckle)


Anonymous said...

My Dear Brother and Sister:

We're praying that the Lord will give the doctors at Baptist wisdom beyond all understanding! May they be able to identify the problem and find a good treatment so that Caleb can start feeling better. We pray that the Lord will continue strengthening you guys (if that is even a possibility!), embracing you with His loving arms and giving you that peace that surpasses all understanding...We love you...The Checa's

Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.